Friday, June 19, 2009

New video

The video of us collecting that wild colony is now on the video blog at Take a look!

I've just found out that both AFB and EFB have been confirmed within 3 miles of our association apiary. Our regional bee inspector will be having a look on Wednesday. This weekend we will be inspecting as usual, but being particularly on the look out for signs of any kind of disease, and we will be scrupulously hygenic. I'll be blow-torching my hive tool often, using disposable gloves, disinfecting between hives and changing gloves between apiaries. Our suits are freshly laundered, and we might even wash them between apiaries. Any waste wax, dead bees, anything waste, will be going in the bin - we do this usually, but inevitably the occasional speck of wax escapes. Not this weekend. No signs of foul brood last time we checked, but who knows how fast these diseases spread.

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